Kevin Bacon.

We held our breath as he heroically battled the graboids. We cheered as he struggled to liberate the power of dance. We hoped for his downfall as a power-reallocating mutant. We turned the lights on as he solved a mystery with other-worldly sight.


So interwoven with the fabric of our cultural imaginations, he's been immortalized in a palour game that centers him in the graph of connected characters — the film buff equivalent to an Erdos number. I don't believe I'll ever have a good one of those. But I do seem to be able to shitpost my way into someone's attention. And, who knows, with a few favorable rolls of the die, maybe he'll follow me — a computational social scientist who wants to rewire the social world — and I can brag about a different one. So smash that follow button, Kevin — let's Hail Eris together!

Kevin Bacon
connection not found
Johnny Nelson (@generativist)


I saw Kevin Bacon's twitter account had a typo in the website link. Someone will be sure to fix it soon. This is just me having a bit of fun. If you're here, you almost certainly want this correct link: